Monday, September 04, 2006

Labor Day

Happy Labor Day everyone!
Cornell decideds to observe this holiday by making students go to class. Though not like if it were a holiday I would be doing anything different if I didn't have class, namely working on my E&M homework. In fact I spent most of the weekend (with breaks to buy running shoes and then get said running shoes dirty playing soccer on wet/muddy grass) working on homework. As a result I did something rather uncharacteristic of me. I recognized when I am in over my head and decided that I will do three instead of four classes this semester. This has the additional bonus of allowing me to do a bit of research on the side and keeping me sane and happier.
Otherwise I was saddened to read that Steve Irwin, otherwise known as the crocodile hunter, was killed by a sting ray this weekend. I thought he was an awesome person and did great things for animal appreciation. Not to mention proliferated words like "Kricky" (or however one spells it).
Anyho! It is now time for me to run off to class.


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