Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Rückkehr in Iowa City/Return to Iowa City

Hi all!
So Monday and Tuesday I made a trek out to Iowa City to visit those I know who are still there. Of course, being the geek that I am, I made a bee line to the physics building. I think I single-handedly decreased productivity on the seventh floor on Monday afternoon.
Mostly things had stayed the same. The most exciting thing was seeing the correlator I built last summer for the SRT actually connected to the telescope and collecting some data. It's not yet running perfectly, but it was neat so see something I'd built actually in use. Too bad that I wasn't there to work on getting it integrated, but I was off in Europe working on things way more fun and exciting.
The city had changed a bit over the last year. The huge apartment complex next to the Sheridan is finished. New buildings had materialized or are in the process of materializing on Gilbert St. I saw some of the tornado damage from this spring.
One very nice change was that the Old Capitol has reopened. I took a quick tour of the building. It's looking good and really interesting. I recommend it for anyone who hasn't been in there since the renovations.
The highlight of course was seeing friends again. Catching up on department gossip, eating a good piece of corn-fed Iowa cow, trying out IC-brewed beer (can't compete with German Bier). I'm sad to be leaving you all so quickly again.
Just for fun here's a photo I took from the Grinell rest stop.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That must be some pretty terrible IC beer you had--I mean, you'd have to try hard to make beer that tastes worse than Kölsch!

August 11, 2006  
Blogger Aaron Hurd said...

Amen on the Kölsch! :-)

August 13, 2006  
Blogger laura s said...

:blink blink::
Ok...first off. It is actually very easy to make beer that tastes worse than Koelsch. Saying that Koelsch is bad is sacrilege.
And the IC brewed beer was ok enough that I had three. Had it been Koelsch I probably would've had six.

August 17, 2006  

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