Thursday, July 27, 2006

The Trip Home

Hallo from Iowa!
I made it back into Iowa last night after a very long day.
Two of my friends from Wuppertal came and picked me up in Bonn and drove me to the airport. Like a good American I was ridiculously early. Eventually it was time to get on the plane. To pass the time I decided to listen to a bit of music. Entirely by chance my mp3 player started with the song "Geile Zeit" by the singer Juli. It was from a CD of good German music that one of my five favorite German colleagues had made for me, and also a song I heard frequently on the radio. But I think it was the first time I'd really ever listened to the lyrics...

Ja ich weiß, es war 'ne geile Zeit,
uns war kein Weg zu weit.
Du fehlst hier.
Ja ich weiß, es war 'ne geile Zeit,
hey, es tut mir Leid,
es ist vorbei.

(Ya I know, it was a great time,
no path was to far for us.
You're missing.
Ya I know, it was a great time,
hey, I'm sorry,
it's over.)

At this point I finally had to break out the Kleenex. The plane took off. From the window I got one last glimpse of Bonn and the Siebengebirge through the haze. Fortunetly two World Cup songs were placed at the end of the CD, which put me back into better mood.
I managed to make my connection in Heathrow and arrive just in time to board the plane. The long trip was actually rather confortable, though I never did manage to fall asleep.
My first experience back in the US was of course Customs and Immigration in Chicago. It's amazing that people come into the US at all. What an irritating process. I got to stand in a long lines and haul my luggage around just to be asked if I have any tulip bulbs. Arg. Then there was of course another security check, a couple gate changes, and a delay while they replaced some part on the plane. Gotta love O'Hare.
Finally I arrived in Des Moines. My parents, one of my sisters, and a good friend picked me up. Upon arriving home it was time to start acclimating our new dog to me. In October my parents got a dog that's half doberman, and the half-guard dog in her shows. Right now everytime she sees me she parks and grows. Then after a few minutes she'll calm down, I'll give her a treat, and that seems to pacify her until the next time I come downstairs. Appartly once she likes you the labrador half of her comes out. The good news is my cat is not ignoring me. He's even being halfway friendly.
Now it's time to do some unpacking.


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