Saturday, July 01, 2006

Tor! Tor! Tor! Tor! Tor!

That is how many goals Germany scored against Argentina to win yesterday's quarter final game. It may be the most stressful game I've ever sat through. First off Argentina scored fairly early in the first half. The German team wasn't playing great. They were making some dumb mistakes, their game was messing so they were losing the ball alot. You could feel the hope fading out of the fans. But then in the 80th minute Klose, the top-scorer of the World Cup so far, evened it out with a header. The crowd was on their feet and all hope rushed back in.
Regular play time ended 1:1 bringing on a nerve-wracking 30 minutes of extra time. The first 15 minutes were dominated by Germany but goalless; the second by Argentina, also goalless. After the 120 minutes had passed it was time for best out of five 11-meter shots. Germany went first...goal. (2:1) Then Argentina...goal. (2:2) Germany...goal. (3:2) Argentina...stopped! (3:2) (Cue insane crowd. I personally was screaming and jumping up and down.) Germany...goal! (4:2) Argentina...goal (4:3). Germany...goal! (5:3) At this point Lehmenn, the German goalie, only needs to stop one more shot. (Wait for it...) Argentina.........stopped! (5:3) GERMANY WINS!!!!! (Cue large amounts of yelling, jumping, and flag waiving.) What a game. Sadly the Argentinians are sore losers and practically started a melee at the end. One player even got a red card after the match was over. Not that it means much but still. I'm not sure what exactly happened. Most people here are too excited about having won to worry about what the Argentinian players did.
Tuesday German meets Italy in the semifinal. Tuesday's also the 4th of July. It looks like I'm going to be a bad American, and instead of celebrating with the stars and stripes, I'll be watching "Fussball" with a "schwartz-rot-gelb" flag. Maybe I'll bring my American flag along as well.
"Auf geht's Deutschland schiess ein Tor, schiess ein Tor, schiess ein To-o-or. Auf geht's Deutschland schiess ein Tor! Schiess ein Tor! Schiess ein Tor!"


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