Saturday, June 24, 2006

You win some. You lose some.

Or in the case the the US national soccer team, you just lose some. Thursday afternoon the US team lost 1-2 against Ghana thereby booting us out of the World Cup. In the other game from our group, Italy beat the Czech Republic 1-0. That means Italy and Ghana proceed into the Round of 16.
Thursday was also the summer MPIfR Institute party. As usual a few glasses of Koelsch were drunk, and on Friday it was the general opinion of those who actually came to work that it may have been a few too many.
Today begins the Round of 16 games with Germany playing against Sweden. I hope it goes well. I don't think there's a team in this World Cup that wants to win more than Germany.
Anyho! Cross your fingers!


Blogger Kris said...

This is several posts late (or you've been posting a lot more of late with all the World Cup excitement) but I thought you'd be amused that when the US played Ghana last Thursday, I was in the copy room making copies. In the copy room is also a tv, as it's a converted breakroom. Anyway, so I'm copying away, copying away, and all of the sudden, all of the doctors that are not originally from America rush up from the OR and turn on the TV to find the World Cup. I saw no American doctors whatsoever. I thought you might be amused.

June 27, 2006  

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