Wednesday, May 10, 2006


Hi everyone!
I though I'd better post before Kris get's on my case. (Just joking. :-) )
Last weekend was a lot of fun. I traveled down south to visit Andy's sister Anna in Freiburg.
The trip southward on Friday afternoon was an adventure. It was probably the first big traveling weekend of the "summer", and the Deutsche Bahn hadn't really finished hibernating yet. All of the long distance trains were late and overcrowded. Fortuntely it was sunny, so I was too irritated.
Saturday Anna showed me around Freiburg. Freiburg is way down in southwest Germany, almost in France, on the end of the Black Forest (Schwartzwald), so it's a cute city. At the center is an beautiful Romantic/gothic church (technically a Munster, how a Munster varies from a cathedral or basilika, I couldn't tell you).
We also hung out with some of her American friends, and it was the first time I'd been around more than two Americans since I've arrived. It was actually really fun joking around with other American students.
Sunday we took a tram up to the top of one of the near-by mountains. From there we had a good view of the Black Forest, and other than a little rain, it was very pleasant.
Otherwise things are good. The weather's been amazing. Sunny and mid-70's. Things are finally green. Just don't ask about work.
It also recently dawned on me that this coming weekend marks one year since I finished at Iowa. Craziness. For all of you who are going through the whole graduation thing, enjoy it and congrats!


Blogger Kris said...

I don't get on your case...I gently prod (with a sledgehammer).

So...dare I ask how work is? :) (just kidding) Probably as good as mine, if I were to venture a guess.

Have a good rest of the week and weekend.

May 10, 2006  
Blogger laura s said...

It's best not to ask me how work is going.
I don't mind the gentle prodding with a sledgehammer. Checking people's blogs is one of my regular activities while waiting for my program to compile, so I also appreciate it when when people are good about updating regularly.

May 12, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

-little sis

May 16, 2006  

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