Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Easter weekend

I hope everyone had a good Easter weekend.
Here in Germany Easter means "long weekend". Good Friday (or Karfreitag for all you German speakers) is an official holiday, which means everything's closed. Friday afternoon I saw the news about the tornado in Iowa City. I'm sure all of you who read this have already heard about it, so I won't go into details. It's crazy seeing pictures of such destruction from buildings that you actually recognize and possibly even walked past everyday on your way to class. It's amazing no one in Iowa City was seriously hurt.
Anyho! Friday evening I traveled up to Wuppertal. Didn't really do much since it was already fairly late. Saturday morning we all got up early to work on Doro's apartment. She just started a new job in January and can now get her own apartment. She decided to get one that is completely empty (it doesn't even have a sink in the kitchen), renovate it, and buy all new furniture. So I spent Saturday morning and some of the afternoon ripping down wallpaper. It was nice to get a little dirty. Late Saturday night into early Sunday morning was church. I think it's the first time I've actually been in a church on Easter in a good 10 years. The service was a bit long, and I wasn't terribly thrilled with the sermon but ok.
Sunday was a quiet, relaxing day. We had a delicious lunch and searched for candy in the afternoon. I don't even remember the last time I had to hunt for Easter candy. Later Doro taught me how to make these cute little decorative trees out of hobby wire and beads. Normally I'm not so much an arts-and-crafts person, but I thought these trees were about the coolest thing ever. That evening I came back to Bonn with my little silver tree and more chocolate.
The holiday weekend continued through Monday, which means I still couldn't go to the store. I spent the afternoon cleaning the windows in my room. As much as I love German windows, the increased complexity makes them a real pain to clean. In the evening I watched Fahrenheit 911. I'm not going to go on any political rants because it wouldn't change anything. Thinking about this administration just makes me sick. I don't know how they sleep at night. And the fact that they represent our country to the rest of the world is just depressing. Anyho. Enough of that.
Last night I had my second irish dance class. We didn't learn any new steps, just continued to refine the basics. I was also pleasantly surprised to not be as sore as last week.
I also finally have two roommates. One is a girl from Korea who I've hardly spoken to, and the second girl comes from Munich. We spoke briefly last night, and she seems really friendly.
Work is driving me crazy as usual.
That's all!


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