Thursday, April 06, 2006

Good week

Happy Thurday everybody!
All in all I had a good week as long as you don't look at work.
First off classes started up for me this week. My first class this morning aparently doesn't exist. Makes it a bit hard to go. This afternoon I attended "Molecular Astrophyiscs". Since everyone who was there could understand German, the professor gave the lecture "auf Deutsch". Amazingly enough I understood it. I was very pleased with myself. We'll see how it goes when we venture more into quantum, but it'll be an excellent opportunity to for me to expand my mathmatical German vocabulary.
Further good news is I've found an apartment in Ithaca. I'll be living with two guys. One's a physics grad student and comes from Columbia and the other is a math grad. The apartment looks really nice, and although I've never met them, I don't think I'll have any major problems with the new roommates. Knock on wood.
Tonight I'm going to "Ice Age 2". That should be amusing.
And tomorrow I'm going to Amsterdam for about a day and a half with two postdoc's from France. That should be entertaining.
And now I'm going home.
Have a good and safe weekend everyone.


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