Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Et kütt, wie et kütt

Happy Wednesday!
So Karneval (German Mardi Gras) cranks into full gear this week. Tomorrow is Weiberfastnacht. The idea with Weiberfastnacht is the wowmen take control for a day and go around cutting off mens' ties. It's also the first big day of Karneval (after of course 11/11) and is more or less a holiday in this region. Tomorrow I'll be going up with my lab to Koeln, the epicenter of Karneval in Germany and quite possibly the world. My costume is a lady bug (Marienkäfer). Needless to say I will be drinking quite a lot of beer tomorrow. Sorry, not beer, Kölsch, because Kölsch is not beer, it's Kölsch. It'll also give me a chance to practice my Kölsch dialect. Drinkste eine met?
Otherwise things are going well. Last weekend I aquired a television from my (former) roommate. She's moved out of our place and into a new apartment with a person who already has a TV. They don't need two, so I get it until I leave. That means I actually got a chance to see some of the Olympics. First of all I'd like to say now nice it is to watch the Olympics without a commerical break every 10 minutes. In fact there are NO commericials during the Olympics. Amazing, I know. I also saw a bit of "curling". I'd never heard of "curling" until I arrived in Europe, and I must say, it's a pretty dumb sport. Basically it's a mix of bowling and pool on ice.
As I said, I also have a new roommate. She's only here for a month while doing an internship in the Bundesministerium, which is too bad because she's very nice.
I also saw the movie Cassinova on Saturday in English. It was pretty good. Funnier than I expected, and it had the normal, golden look that all films which take place in Italy have. And an hour and a half of staring at Heath Ledger never hurts. :-)
Workwise things are at a standstill. I'm still trying to figure out what's coming out of the FFT program. So far I've managed to get one good spectrum of a 42kHz sine wave. I'm convinced the choice of frequency helped. Unfortunetly most of what comes out is Quatsch.
Back to work!


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