Friday, January 13, 2006

Quick update

Hi all!
I don't have much to report today. Things are starting to return to normal. Early in the week I worked a bit more and let Andy wander around Bonn by himself a bit. He flew back to "the States" early on Thursday morning. Otherwise there's nothing new with me.
Still stressing about my landlord situation, but we'll just have to see what happens.
I'm looking forward to a very quiet weekend with lots of sleep and maybe even a bit of studying. (First time since finals in May. Just like to point that out. :-) )
Have a good weekend everyone!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

For what it's worth, according to a friend of mine who knows some Iranians, screaming about anything to do with money and trying to weasel your way out of things is just how it's done over there, and you just have to be firm and not let him push you around.

Best of luck!

January 13, 2006  

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