Thursday, December 15, 2005

Middle age Christmas Market

This has been a rather busy week.
Monday night was an offical DAAD meeting where we learned about the organization and activities of the institute. I also of course got a chance to meet more people from all sorts of countries.
Tuesday night was far more interesing. I traveled with a small group of current DAAD fellowship holders and a few german DAAD alumni to a middle-age Christmas market in Siegburg. This market was a bit different than most because of the middle-age theme. The stand workers wore middle-age clothing, the food was of an older type, and many people spoke an older dialect. The signs were also written using older words and spellings. For example Wein (current spelling of wine) was Weyn, and instead of Euro, they used the word Taler, which I believe is where the english word dollar comes from. Everything was lit with candles and every so often you'd find a fire pit. There was not only Gluehwein, but also hot mead, and it was served in ceramic chalise glasses rather than the typical mug. I found it very intersting.
Otherwise things are going well. I haven't really progressed with my ethernet module, but I also haven't had much time this week to work on it between lectures and today's christmas party for one of the departments in the institute. But now it's time to go home and enjoy a nice quiet evening.
Have a happy last-day-of-finals!


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