Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Kölsches Grundgesetz

Already half way to another weekend! Yippe!
All in all this has been a good week.
Sunday Manuel and I discovered a HUGE park in southern Bonn, and I mean huge by American standards. We walked along the Rhine and had a beer. Coming from Iowa, which is so very rural, I'm always happy to find open spaces in Germany.
Otherwise the week's been good. Monday I spent a lot of time correcting my boss's english for institute progress reports. (Yes mother... go ahead and laugh.) Work-wise I spent my time programming my FPGA to send and receive the proper signals to make my ADC work. Today I finally accomplished it, but of course killed one ADC in the process. Such is the way of electronics.
Today was particularly exciting. One of my coworkers set up an old cell phone of his for me to use. There's a system here which is simlar to the US Go-Phones. It's by no means the cheapest way, but it's good for connecting up with people. Also I came home this evening to a new roommate. In the short time that we've spoken she seems very nice. She's originally from France but, lucky for me, speaks perfect German. My apartment is starting to be come a mini-UN. The current occupants are american and french and the landlord is iranian. Just goes to show you that even if the governments of countries are at odds, the average people can still work and live together.

Now I want to do my part to spread some German culture. Below is my "homework" that was assigned to me by one of my coworkers. The top line of every article is the "high" German translation of a typical Köln-dialect phrase. Those of you who know German should enjoy it. The rest of you...well. Sorry.

--Kölsches Grundgesetz--

+Artikel 1
Sieh den Tatsachen ins Auge.
Et es, wie et es.

+Artikel 2
Habe keine Angst vor der Zukunft.
Et kütt, wie et kütt.

+Artikel 3
Lerne aus der Vergangenheit.
Et hätt noch immer jet jejange.

+Artikel 4
Jammere den Dingen nicht nach.
Wat fott es, es fott.

+Artikel 5
Sei offen für Neuerungen.
Et bliev nix, wie et wor.

+Artikel 6
Sei kritisch, wenn Neuerungen überhand nehmen.
Kenne mer nit, bruche mer nit, fott domit.

+Artikel 7
Füge Dich in Dein Schicksal.
Wat wellste maache.

+Artikel 8
Achte auf Deine Gesundheit.
Maach et jot, ävver nit ze of.

+Artikel 9
Stelle immer erst die Universalfrage.
Wat soll dä Quatsch?

+Artikel 10
Komme dem Gebot der Gasfreundschaft nach!
Drinkste eine met?

+Artikel 11
Bewahre Dir eine gesunde Einstellung zum Humor.
Do laachste Dich kapott.

+Artikel 12
Zeige immer eine positive Einstellung zur Arbeit.
Mer kann och alles üvverdrieve.


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