Friday, October 14, 2005

Friday already

I really have no idea where the week went, but I have no complaints. All-in-all it was a pretty good week.
I succeeded in navigating myself through much of the German bureauacracy including successfully enrolling in the University of Bonn and opening a bank account. Ya me! I was also thrilled to find out that my student ID doubles as a bus/train pass within a large area that includes Bonn and Koeln. That means that I have 11,60 euros more for beer when I go to Koeln! :-) Now I just need an apartment.
I also finally got something to do at work. Bernd, our fearless leader, decided that I should learn the hardware programming language VHDL, which stands for V(ery Fast Integrated Circuit - or some such thing) H(ardware) D(evelopment) L(anguage). I'm gaining experience by programing a FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) from Xilinx. This is great for me because FPGA's are the up-and-coming technology. The current Xilinx test board has only a couple LED's for testing, so I'm going to be building my own expansion board to add switches and what not, which means soldering. :-)
Classes start next week as well. I'm planning on taking sub-mm Astronomie and one other class, though I'm not sure which one.
As far as news from home, my family got a new puppy. She's a Doberman/Lab mix. So far the cat has been merely avoiding her, but we hope they'll make friends soon.
Now I'm looking forward to another beautiful weekend with temps in mid-70's or so. Very unusual for Germany this time of year.

Here's a peak into my inner child:

Your Inner Child Is Surprised

You see many things through the eyes of a child.
Meaning, you're rarely cynical or jaded.
You cherish all of the details in life.
Easily fascinated, you enjoy experiencing new things.

Those of you going to the game tomorrow, have fun!
Anyho! As they say here, it's time for Feierabend!


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