Friday, October 28, 2005

Copy Cat I stole this from Kris's blog, who in turn stole it from her sister. Such things travel from blog to blog faster than light.

Rules of 5

10 Years Ago: In 1995 I was 12 (almost 13!) and in 7 grade. I don't remember much from 7th grade. It kinda blends in with 6th. I'm also sure I had some friends, though I don't rememeber who. This was the year I started playing in a youth orchestra, and this may have been the year I soloed with the school orchestra. At this point my goal in life was to join the DSM symphony. The summer after 7th grade was also the last time I went to church regularly.

5 Years Ago: In 2000 I was a senior in high school. My life was consumed by music (two orchestras, jazz band & combo, and about 5 students). I was working at the science center. I had recently decided that I wanted to study astronomy in college instead of music, and I'm glad that I did. The winter that year was particularly bad.

1 Year Ago: Last year I was taking too many classes, applying for my Go-To-Germany scholarship, stressing about the GRE, and deciding which grad schools to go to. It was starting to dawn on me that there would be no "next year" in Iowa City. Later in the year I visited five grad schools, learned that I was going to Germany for 10 months, and had to make one of the most important decisions in my life: which grad school to go to.

1 Week Ago: I had my first session of "Astrophysics of Miniquasars" and spent my time in the lab reading about pulsar research. In the evening I met my future landlord and saw the apartment I'll be moving into and then met a group of grad students from MPIfR at an Irish pub.

Yesterday: Work was more reading scientific publications in German, while waiting for my analog-to-digital converter to arrive. The sun shone all day. Made another trip to the apartment with the landlord.

5 favorite foods: the curry dishes at Masala, cheese enchilladas, cheese cake, my mom's meatloaf, currywurst

5 things I'd do with 100 million dollars: Buy a car, pay for my sisters' and friends' education, travel, fund some cool new radio telescope, invest some (in Google) so I don't have to worry about money for the rest of my life.

5 places I want to see: Serengeti in Africa, New Zealand, pyramids in Mexico, Grand Canyon, Antarctica in the summer when the sun never sets.

5 Bad Habits: Do call people as often as I should, pick at my chin, procrastinate, never do half the things I tell myself I should, keep falling out of the habit of jogging regularly

5 Good Qualities: Reliable, kind, open-minded (though sometimes not at first), always want to learn something new, my hair


Blogger Staab said...

your package is in the mail they say it will take about a week to get there. Give you something to think about

October 28, 2005  
Blogger laura s said...


Vielen Dank!

(Many thanks!)

October 28, 2005  

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