Sunday, November 20, 2005


This weekend I traveled to Saarbrücken, the capital of Saarland, which is the smallest of the German states. Saarland is in far western Germany and shares a boarder with France. Andreas's sister and brother-in-law live there, and we went to celebrate her birthday.
Saturday afternoon we did some shopping and a little eating. Later in the evening we met up with some of Mathia's friends (the sister) and played a little indoor soccer. The "field" was tiny, but it was good because there were only six of us. The only one of us who had any regular soccer experience was Mathia's husband, so I'm sure we looked pretty pathetic, but we had a lot of fun. Much to my surprise, it turns out that I'm actually not so bad at soccer. Given that I haven't played it since I was about 10, and then extremely poorly, I was rather pleased with myself. The Germans were certainly amazed that an "Ami" can play "Fussball". :-)
Afterward there was more eating and drinking. It was also cold. I finally had to break down and wear my full winter coat. Oh well. Such is life in the north.
I also really enjoyed the trip. It takes about 2 hours to go from Bonn to Saarbruecken, most of which through the Eifel. The Eifel resembles Pennsylvania or upstate New York. On the way down on Saturday the sun was actually shining most of the way (amazing!), but suddenly, within five seconds, were were driving through dense fog. After about 15 minutes, we were through the cloud and back in sunshine. Everything this is smaller here in Europe, this includes the clouds. It was also fun to ride on the Autobahn. (Mom, don't read the next sentance.) I can now say I've been in a car going over 120 mph. It was a good weekend.
But one must also look to the future! This week is birthday week in the lab. Three of us in fact. It's also Thanksgiving. Needless to say my Thanksgiving will be a bit different this year. I hope everyone travels safely this week and eat some Turkey for me. :-)


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