Sunday, November 13, 2005

Bonn Orchestra, Fussball

Not much to report from this side of the pond.
Friday night I went to a Beethoven Orchestra Bonn concert. It'd been way too long since I've been to an orchestra concert. On the program was Dvorak's Cello Concerto, Mozart's Symphony #29, and Shostikovich's Symphony #6. It was a pretty good concert. The Mozart symphony was boring, but that's nothing surprising.
Otherwise the rest of the weekend was quiet. I spent some time getting to know my new roommate Fannie and her friend Sabine. Saturday evening we watched a game the French and German National Soccer teams. Fannie of course was for France (Viva la France!) and Sabine and I were for Germany. In the end neither team pulled off a single goal, so we couldn't give each other a hard time. It was rather anti-climactic.
Today the weather was awful. Grey and gloomy. A good day to stay inside and sleep.
I was glad to hear Iowa pulled off a win against Wisconsin at the end of the game away from home.
All for now.


Blogger Staab said...

Not being much of a music person intested to hear why you think Mozart is boring. Its sounds like something you could go on about for some time =}

Keep having fun

November 13, 2005  
Blogger laura s said...

Ok. So not all Mozart is boring. To me so much of his music sounds like a cliche. Techincally it's brillantly written, and of course Mozart was a genius, but compared to the emotion of Beethoven or Brahm's symphonies, I find it rather dull. But to each his own.

November 14, 2005  

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