Monday, December 19, 2005

Cloudy Monday

Hallo Freundinnen und Freunde,
I hope everyone survived their finals.
My weekend was very, very quiet. Saturday I did a bit of Christmas shopping. Sunday I watched some soccer in a pub with my roommate and a friend of hers. The station switched between the Hamburg/Bremen game and the Nueremburg/Berlin game. These are all teams in the National League (Bundesliga). Hamburg is currently ranked second and Bremen third. (Muenchen is first much to the dismay of the rest of the country.) Both my roommate and her friend are big Bremen fans, so I had no but to root for Bremen. In the end both games ended in a 1:1 tie.
As far as news goes, I was very happy to hear the German woman kidnapped in Iraq was released. On the other hand I was saddened by the death of actor John Spencer who played Leo McGarry on West Wing. The show won't be the same without him.
I also saw an interesting article on CNN about a website where you can submit an email and have it sent to yourself some specified number of years in the future. It's an interesting idea. I can't imagine what I might be doing five, ten years in the future when it would arrive.
Now I must talk about the weather. I'm from Iowa (not Idaho!). I have no choice. First of all Bonn is about nine degrees farther north than Des Moines, and the difference is obvious. Sunrise at the moment in Bonn is 8:30 am. In Des Moines it's 7:30 am. We also get about one sunny day every two weeks or so. Arg.
All of you traveling for the holidays have a safe trip.


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