Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Frohliche Bergfesttag

Happy Over-the-Mountain-celebration-day, which is my poor translation for the German equivelent for Hump Day.
Things are going well with me. Last weekend I meet up with Manuel and we visited the very small Egypt museum here in Bonn. Later in the evening we meet up again for a couple of beers. Sunday I slept in really late, took a nice long walk, studied a bit, and then chatted with some of you lovely people back in Iowa. Not terribly exciting.
I've had a pretty successful week at work. My goal was to shunt data from my analog-to-digital converter through the FPGA and out through ethernet. It turned out to be not very difficult. The harder part was reconstructing the data in the end. But this afternoon I managed to recreate the input sine wave in my output.
Today I also participated in an event to promote physics studies among women. As a woman in physics, astronomy, and now digital electronics, I gave a quick overview of my project, and here's the important bit, in German. I'm pretty sure it was even understandable. I am improving.
This is also the last week of classes. It turns out that I don't have to do anything as far as a final exam (or any exam for that matter) for my sub-mm course, so I really didn't need to be studying these last two weeks.
Time to go relax for a while.


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