Thursday, February 02, 2006

Foggy Thursday

Yet another week is almost gone. Tomorrow I'll wake up and it'll be the end of July and I'll be flying back to the US. Ok maybe a couple more tomorrows.
Anyho! The last week hasn't been too exciting. My work is progressing slowly, but I'm pretty sure it is progressing. We managed almost a week of sunshine, but it's still a bit cold. I'm still amazed by how quickly the weather changes here. Yesterday was sunny and clear and today I woke up to thick fog and a light dusting of snow. The cool thing about the snow there is it's always wet snow, which means it sticks to everything, so you end up with the cool winterwonderland thing going on. In addition to fast temporal variations, there's also sudden spatial variations. Like I said, in Bonn we had thick fog all day, but ten minutes south it was perfectly clear. I was able to experience this effect today because I went to Effelsberg, the 100-m telescope run by the MPIfR. One of the directors had his official retirment party this afternoon, and my lab was invited. It was actually a rather nice party with a lunch buffet. It also gave me a chance to have a cultural exchange with some of my colleagues and practice my German. For example I was appalled to learn that lemonade as we know it doesn't exist here. Instead lemonade is all pop that's not cola (Sprite, Fanta, MD, etc.).
Anyho! All for now.


Blogger laura s said...

Ummm... I know nothing about blowdryers. I don't think I've used a blow dryer in the last five years. You could probably check the websites of the large German dept stores like Galeria Kaufhof or Karstadt.
Let me know once you get settled in. I'd like to come down to Freiburg sometime.

February 08, 2006  

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