Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Hallo over there!

Greetings from this side of the pond.
Things are going well. Classes are done. For my sub-mm class there was no exam and for microquasars I just had to go into the prof's office and answer some questions about MQ's. Ya for a relaxed academic environment.
Work is progressing nicely. I'm starting to pick up on the pattern that I'm only productive on Monday's and Tuesday's. This Monday I managed to integrate an FFT core into my now dubbed "Pocket FFT Spectrometer" and get an FFT out. Or at least what I think should be an FFT. The problem is the output doesn't make a whole lot of sense. But I'm still working on it!
Otherwise life's been dull. Last weekend I wondered around the Innenstadt looking for cool european shoes. Didn't find anything I absolutely had to have. I also began looking for apartments in Ithaca. It's a bit mind numbing to search through so many listings not really knowing the city.
Sunday I finished up the Haus der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, which I half saw when Andy was here.
In the news here is of course the Olympics. The bird flu also reached Germany this week. I'm on the wrong continent as far as that's concerned. Though if it breaks into a full blown epidemic, it'll get over the ocean somehow.
Next week Karneval (German Mardi Gras) starts. I've been looking forward to this for over a year. I still need to come up with a costume. Any good ideas?
I guess that's all for now. It's getting late and approaching my bed time.


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