Tuesday, March 07, 2006


First off, another update on my activities. Friday evening I met up with a friend and we went to the movie "The Constant Gardner". It was really good. Not a light movie, but if you're in the mood for some good social commentary, I recommend it.
Friday afternoon I also got a new roommate. He's from Spain but can speak perfect German. Unfortuntely he's only here for four weeks. Saturday and Sunday were spent by me showing him around Bonn. Nothing terribly exciting.
Tuesday my roommate and I watched the Barcelona-Chelsea soccer game. Very exciting game. Chelsea had to score at least two goals to stay in the Champions League, which they did not succeed in doing.
Otherwise I'm preparing for my trip to Munich next week. :-)
In the title of my blog, I've once again envoked the German concept of "Bergfest", only this time it refers to the fact that I am now half finished with my time in Germany. Craziness. Time flies when you're having fun.
Anyho! That's all for now folks.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is probably more appropriate in an email, but thought you'd want to know the Hawks (men's b-ball) won the Big 10 Championship yesterday and are in the NCAA Tournament.

March 13, 2006  

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