Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Frohliche Wednesday-before-Easter

Not much new from me. Last night I had my first Irish Dance class. It was a bit more work than I'd expected. A lot of jumping, raising your legs up high, and walking on the balls of your feet. But also a lot of fun. By the end I will certainly have gained some leg muscle.
I also finally reached that point again with my work where I have to back up and start new. My project, building a "Pocket FFT Spectrometer", has actually grown into something the lab wants to develop "for real". I'm not sure where my place in the development is. I really only have about three months in which I can realistically get stuff accomplished, which for instrumentation isn't a whole lot of time.
This weekend I'm celebrating Easter with the family in Wuppertal. I haven't been up there since January, so I'm really looking forward to seeing them again.
(I know this is short Kris, but I can't think of anything more to say.)

P.S. - For all of you who saw my previous title wishing people a happy Ash Wednesday, disregard it. Why in the world I thought the Wednesday before Easter was Ash Wednesday and not just the Wednesday before Easter, I do not know. Considering that I experienced the Germany's Karneval, which leads up to Ash Wednesday, you'd think I'd have gotten that straight.
Anyho! I still hope you all had a good Wednesday-before-Easter and a good Easter weekend for that matter.


Blogger Kris said...

Thanks for posting! I like seeing what everyone is up to. I'm just restless because stuff I was interested in that I spent a lot of time on the internet doing, I'm not as interested in, and I don't have anything new to fill the time.

BTW, Ash Wednesday is the beginning of Lent (it was in March), and Good Friday is the holiday coming up (Friday before Easter).

April 12, 2006  

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