Sunday, May 21, 2006

Bike tour

Hallo everyone!
Ok. I've finally found time to post my adventures from the last week.
A week ago Friday two of my colleagues took me on a motorcycle tour through the Eifel, the mountainous region south of Bonn where the two of them live. After a short trip we stopped at Cafe Fahrtwind, which is where the local bikers stop for a Milchkaffe (Cafe au Lait). Here I am in front of the building.

The tour was actually a lot of fun. We had absolutely perfect weather for a drive through the mountains. After a somewhat longer drive, we stopped at the base of the old castle Nürburg. First off here's a pic of the bikes:

We also climbed up the Burg's tower, which offers a great view of the Eifel.

That evening I continued on with Andreas to another one of our labmates who was having a party to celebrate the birth of his daughter. This also gave me a change to see the house he and his father have been building for the last three years or so. It's going to be a really beautiful house when it's finished.
The rest of the weekend was relativly boring compared to Friday, and I really don't remember what it was that I did.
As I said in my short post, I was at a neutron star conference this week. I had absolutly nothing to present, but as I'm interested in maybe studying pulsars at Cornell, I though it would be interesting attend. In the end I understood less than I expected, but many of the talks were more theoretical and I'm no theorist. But I met some cool people and did learn something, so in the end it was worth it.
Otherwise at my irish dance class on Tuesday I messed up my foot and have been hobbling all week. I think it's getting better. I just have to avoid walking on it too much, which is tough.
Otherwise this weekend has been relatively quiet. Friday night I saw the movie "Elementarteilchen", which is a German movie and probably not released in the US. It was interesting.
This week begins a string of holiday weeks. Thursday is Accention Day. I guess it's the day Jesus goes to heaven. The advantage to living in region that's heavily catholic is they celebrate way more holidays than the protestants. The following two weeks also have at least one holiday.
It's hard to believe, but I only have two more months in Germany before heading back to the US. Still so much to do and so little time.
Have a good week everyone.


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