Friday, June 09, 2006

und die WM 2006!

Greetings from sunny, soccer-crazed Germany!
As my title suggests, last night began the World Cup here in Germany. But first let me recap the last couple weeks.
As I'm Iowan I must first mention the weather, namely sunny and warm (upper 80's). It's perfect for the World Cup. I'm very happy. I'm also noticing the 10 degree difference in latitude between Germany and Iowa. Our sunset is currently at 9:45 (an hour later than Iowa) and it's after 11 before the sky is completely black. It's great. (Yes, yes. I'm an astronomy geek. What can I say. :-) )
Anyho...what did I do last weekend. Ah yes. Saturday I watched an open air concert here in Bonn. A cover band traded songs with a local orchestra, and they even played together at the end. It was not great music, but amusing. Sunday I visited Schloss Augustusberg, which is in Bruehl. It was the second residence of Clemens August, an important archbishop and policitian at the end of the 18th century. The castle was of course pretty, but more intersting for me was the beautiful garden and wood around it. Unfortunetly there are no photos because the batteries in my camera were not charged. Arg.
Monday was a holiday, and I used the opportunity to wander around the Siebengebirge again. A very pleasant walk.
Work was rather frustrating. I'm still working on getting Peter's project to display in realtime, and I have no idea why it's not working. Like always.
And now for the important part: the World Cup (Weltmeisterschaft, or WM for short). Last night at 18:00 began the first game. Germany against Costa Rica in München. The game started out great. Germany scored its first goal in the fifth minute, but then Costa Rica pulled off its first in the 16th and things were a little tense. But in the end Germany pulled off a 4:2 win. It was the highest scoring opening game of a World Cup ever. Ya for completely useless statistics. In the second game of the evening, Ecuador surprised the world with 2:0 win against Poland.
I can see some increased excitement here in Bonn. For one there are a lot more Germany flags flying from windows and cars, which is something you usually never see here. Germans are not the most patriotic people in the world. The big parties are in Berlin and München. Today on the news I saw footage from the streets of München after the game last night. Good times.
For those of you who might actually be interested the US's first game is on Monday at 11:00 am Iowa time against the Czech Republic, who I believe are the favored team in our group. We'll see. Maybe there will be another surprise.
Have a good weekend everyone!


Blogger Aaron Hurd said...

Wow. I've read quite a bit about the massive security presence that is going to be felt during the WM. Is it true that they're checking passports randomly going into Germany? Have you noticed more police presence when you travel to WM cities?

June 11, 2006  

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