Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Last day....Letzter Tag

So today's my last day in Bonn, and like every last-day I'm busy wrapping stuff up.
My board won't be finished, so it'll have to be sent to me. My stuff is packed. I've ran the Laufzettelweg (for those of you not in Bonn, don't ask). Now it's a matter of a few good-bye's, which is always the hardest part of the whole thing.
Right now I'm in a state of half-excitement/half-panic. It'll take a few days to get through the transplant shock once I'm back in Iowa, but with enough sweet corn, iced tea, and cinnamon rolls, I'll make it through.
When all goes well (which it will), I should be back in Des Moines at about 9 pm Iowa-time. I'll pop up a quick post to let you know I made it before falling into bed.


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