Thursday, August 24, 2006

First day of class

So I guess I haven't really posted for awhile.
Things are going well. I'm mostly settled into my apartment. Still some small things to do, but the big stuff is out of the way.
Now I just need to get settled into academic life. The program here is really flexible and allows you a lot of freedom to decide what you want to do. I am going the physics-heavy route and planning on doing E&M, Quantum, Stellar Structures, and Signal Processing. Most people are telling me four classes is one too many, but we'll see how it goes for a while.
Otherwise I auditioned for the orchestra last night and solidly made it in. It was a small ego boost, I'll admit.
Otherwise my parents visited at the beginning of the week. It was nice to show them around Ithaca a bit.
Some how I have nothing more to say.

Here are some photos of Ithaca just for fun.

This is one of my favorite views from campus.

This is one of the gorges that boarder campus.

Now to do Kris's thing:

Six Weird Things

The Rules: Once you are tagged, you must post six things about yourself that are either unusual, weird, habitual, or just plain fun to hear about (and true). Once you post these things about yourself, you must also tag someone else, who then, in the spirit of not wussing out, must read words like these and follow the same rules as you did.

1) When I'm thinking of a decision I will sometimes wiggle my lips back and forth.

2) When I listen to music I will sometimes conduct the beats with my big toe.

3) I hate turning off a song in the middle. I have to wait for it to end.

4) When I drive over a bridge I will sometimes raise up my toes.

5) I always spell "Hello" "Hallo" with an "A" like German and have been since I started learning German in high school.

6) I'm really bad at coming up with things like this...which is just my lazy way of coming up with a sixth thing because I'd rather go eat ice cream.

I tag James.


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