Thursday, September 14, 2006

One more week down

Another week down. Ok. So it's only Thursday early afternoon, but all of my problem sets for the week are turned in. Now I get to begin those for next week. I most definitely did not miss the endless cycle of homework that takes hours to complete and whatever satisfaction you receive when you finish it (assuming you're actually able to finish it) is quickly overwritten with the knowledge that there's a new one following close on it's tail. It makes you understand why the American Indians viewed time as a loop and not an arrow like the Europeans. Plus now that I'm in grad school the homework is harder and longer. Funny how that works. Sigh.
Time for the recap. The week (by my definition) began when Marcy came to town for the weekend (or beginning depending on your reference frame. Can you find the Lorentz transformation that moves me back into a time that the rest of the world lives in?). Friday evening Marcy, Andy, and I went to contradance on campus, and I instantly fell in love with it. I would try to describe it, but I'll let those of you who actually care to google it. My favorite description was something to the effect that "contradancing is an amusmentpark ride that you make for yourself".
Anyho! Saturday was the Iowa/Syracuse game. We headed up to Syracuse, tailgated, met some crazy Iowa fans who actually drove the 16 hours from Iowa to watch it. As most of you know, the game turned out to be much closer than anyone'd expected. In the end Iowa only won after double overtime after holding Syracuse at the 1 yard line for something like six consecutive downs. Not bad. In short it was a really long game (made me miss Fussball in that respect) but fun. We took a train from the parking lot to the stadium, so I got a small train fix. We also met some very nice Syracuse fans on the train reconferming my impression that people in upstate NY are amazingly friendly and helpful.

Sunday we took Marcy up to Tauganick (spelled wrong) Falls to show her a bit of New York's natural beauty. I took photos. Here's one:

Anyho! Monday morning she had to return to Ohio, and I was sad. Partly because I will miss Marcy; partly because I was no longer able to ignore my E&M homework.
The formula for the rest of the week:
Monday = E&M
Tuesday = recovering from Monday, Stellar Structures
Wednesday = Stellar Structures
Thursday = today

I guess that's about it. The weather this coming weekend (or weekbeginning) is supposed to actually be warm and sunny. I hope to spend sometime outdoors. It'd be a pleasant change from my office and apartment.
Have a good weekend!


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