Sunday, December 17, 2006

Finally done

Hallo all!
So I've now survived my first semester of grad school, celebrated, and recovered from the celebration.
Thursday night I took what was by far the hardest exam of my life and did by far the worst that I've ever done on an exam in my life. But I still managed to pass the class and am now officially done with Jackson.
Friday was the celebratory potluck and partying. It was a good time. And let's just say I'm glad it's now Sunday.
Now I'm just enjoying the abundance of free time and unbelievably warm weather. (It's in the mid-50's today. 57 in the middle of December?! So what's everyone's beef with global warming? (Just joking) )
Next Wednesday I'm leaving for Iowa and if all goes well, will be arriving in Des Moines late on Thursday. Everybody think thoughts of good weather on Wednesday and Thursday, so I don't get stranded somewhere on the Indiana turnpike.
Safe travels everyone!


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