Saturday, November 18, 2006

Still alive

Greetings all you faithful readers of my way exciting blog! (Ha ha right?) I know it's been a while, but what can I say, as a budding astronomer I'm a very busy person. (Are you all laughing yet?)
Honestly my lack of posts is more directly correlated with the fact that my life is pretty uneventful.
So what have an been up too? Let's see. Last Wednesday the Moscow State Symphony played a concert at Cornell. Last Saturday I saw the movie "Borat". It had its amusing moments, but not something I need to see a second time. I'm more amused by all of the legal trouble the actor's getting himself into. Yesterday we had a exhibit of photography from people who work in Space Sciences. I displayed some of my photos from Germany and Rome, but they were pretty amateur compared to what other people in the department do. It was pretty impressive.
I'm really excited about Thanksgiving break and really, really excited about going back to Iowa over winter break. I've decided not to fly to Germany over break, so I have more time in the Midwest. I'll miss not seeing my Germany people, but I've actually seen more of them in the last year and a half than most of my Iowa people. Plus January isn't the nicest time of year to go to Germany.
So the "game of the century", as my Michigan-alum friends like to call it, starts momentarely. It is certainly the game of the season, maybe the game of the last couple seasons, whatever that means. Michigan vs. Ohio State. Oh right. Iowa lost again today. Don't really know what happened this season. My roommate assured me this morning that next season will be Iowa's.
Ok. I guess that's all I have.
Time to try and get some something done.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's too bad that you will miss the christmas market in Bonn !

November 26, 2006  
Blogger laura s said...

I wouldn've missed it anyway, as I would have arrived after Christmas. But it is a shame that I'll have to miss the Christmas markets. No Glühwein or heisse Maroonen. :-(

December 01, 2006  

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