Saturday, October 28, 2006

Random stuff

Happy Saturday-before-Halloween,
How are you all? I'm ok. A bit worn-out but otherwise ok.
It's kind of sad when I think back to what I've done since the last time I posted, and all I can think of is work.
Last night we had a first-year grad potluck. Since there's not one class that all of us are taking, we can't bond over mutual hatred of the homework, so instead we're left bonding over food and Ghostbusters. (Back off. I'm a scientist.) Probably better anyway.
Today I went to Ithaca's mall and saw that Christmas stuff is starting to emerge. That's pretty exciting. It's a bit early. I still abide by the rule-of-thumb that Christmas stuff isn't allowed to be displayed until Thanksgiving is over. Now they're pushing Halloween.
Now it's time to bitch about the weather. Here in not-so-sunny and not-so-warm Ithaca we're having highs in the lower 40's. This week in Germany it was the mid-70's. Granted this is not usual, it does make me wonder why it was that I left. Oh right. Grad school. You go where the money is right?
So here are some random interesting things that I heard/learned this week:

+The impedence of free space is 376.7 Ohms.

+This week a construction worker working on the German interstate system was digging and ran into a bomb from WWII that no one knew was there. It exploded killing him, sending debris flying over a third of a mile, and leaving a rather large hole. There were also several other reports of found bombs being safely defused. It amazes me that sixty years later they're still finding live bombs scattered throughout the country. The moral of this story: war sucks.

+For those of you who are mathmatically inclined, check out he Buckingham-Pi theorem.

Anyho! That's all folks!


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