Wednesday, October 18, 2006


So the entire point of this post is to procrastinate. I should be working on my homework but really, really don't want to.
Last night I had the E&M exam from hell. Ok. So it could've been worse. It was only from the first ring of hell. Not the seventh. Or whatever. I didn't do so well. Pretty sure I got the lowest grade in the class. That's what happens when I'm competing with all of these Cornell physics grads. Funny how they're really good at physics. Whatever. Life goes on. And so does the homework apparently. Which I also can't do.
Otherwise things are good. I've got a couple concerts in the next couple days. I'm taking a day off this weekend and am really excited about that.

Interesting thoughts fail me at the moment. As usual.

Ok...caffeine is kicking in. Back to work.


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