Monday, November 27, 2006

Rest of my exciting Thanksgiving Adventure

Hello World! (I've spent way too much time programming.)
Went back to the grind today after a lovely long weekend in Columbus. The adventure didn't stop with cooking and eating.
The highlight of Friday was going to the Columbus science museum. Like Des Moines, they also recently moved into a new building. (The parallels with Des Moines don't stop there. Columbus seems to be a scaled-up version of Des Moines in many ways.) I'm such a geek, but I feel like a kid in a candy store when I go to science museums. We watched a movie on the Extreme Screen! about the history of the cowboy culture. Apparently it all goes back to Morocco, went to Spain, was brought to the "New World" by the Spanish and evolved in several different ways throughout South America. The American version actually has its roots in Mexico. That job certainly makes my sit-in-front-of-a -computer-all-day research job pretty dull.
Saturday Marcy showed me a really neat park in Columbus. A great way to enjoy the amazing weather we had over the weekend. Afterwards I experienced my first tea shop. Something like a coffee shop (not the Amsterdam kind) but with tea. I was able to have my first bubble tea. Basically it's sweetened tea with big tapioca balls in the bottom. Different but neat. Afterwards we grabbed dinner and then rented a movie. We saw "What the Bleep Do We Know". It's a documentary that tries to tie psychology, noetics, and quantum physics. It had some wild claims but makes you think. Worth watching if you're into that sort of thing.
Now I find myself at the beginning of "Hell Week", the last week of class before finals. On one hand there's a lot to do, but on the other there exists a light at the end of the tunnel!
Have a good week all!


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