Friday, March 07, 2008

Finally, finally

Yah...I know. It's been a while. Every weekend for the last month I've been telling myself that I need carve out time to update, and it just hasn't happened. So here's the laundry list of things I've been doing since returning to Ithaca after break:
1) Classes. This semester I'm taking two. Astrophysical processes and cosmology. The former is something of a methods class, and interesting, but only in so far as it illuminates all of the crazy things that happen in astrophysical sources. Cosmology is, on the other hand, interesting and intense. Also, I'm TAing a class called "Life in the Universe", which is turning out to be really interesting as well. It combines astronomy and biology/ecology to discuss the prospects of the ubiquity of life in the universe.
2) Work. I'm currently in an optimistic phase regarding work. The fact that I'm quickly coming up on my second summer and have no real results is driving me to pester my advisor a little more frequently, which in turn, may yield concrete results. We'll see how the next couple weeks go.
3) Spring break. Newest life lesson: Life is so much better when you have something to look forward to. That said Andy, a law school friend of his and two of my friends from astro are flying out to Joshua Tree National Park next week for Spring Break. Joshua Tree is in southern California, more or less directly east of LA. It's named after the Joshua Tree cactus that grows in the park (and yes, is also the origin of the U2 album). We are super excited to escape the perpetual gray, wintery mix that is Ithaca in March. New T-shirt motto: Ithaca is slush.
4) Weather. Let's not even go here. All I can say is "wintery mix".
5) Everything else. I'm moving again this summer. Don't really know where I'm moving to yet. Need to find a place. Politics...yah. I don't have anything to add that hasn't been said by some one somewhere. It would've been nice if Obama had simply won Texas and Ohio, so this race would have in effect be over, but no. That would be too easy. Lately I've been listening to lectures I found on iTunes University. For those of you who are unaware, iTunes University is a part of iTunes in which various universities post (for free!) lectures/videos from classes as well as talks given by guest speakers. Here are some of my favorite from the past couple months:

Yale University - Bob Woodward - "Media's Impact on Politics: Focus on Richard Nixon and George W. Bush"
Stanford Univeristy - Al Gore - "The Earth in Balance"
American Public Media - Michael Pollen - "Where does your food come from?"
- George Ellis - "Cosmology, Science and Hope"
- David Kennedy - "Can America Still Afford to be a Nation of Immigrants?"

In particular the first and last talks in this list were really interesting. In fact I've found American Public Media to be a reliable source of good, informative talks.
Alright. That's all I've got for tonight.


Blogger Staab said...

thanks for tip i will have to look at iTunes University I love a good speech and want look through this list.

March 09, 2008  

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