Sunday, October 28, 2007

So it's been a while. I know.
But I've been quite busy the last couple weeks. Let me see how I recall since my last post.
So there was the month of September. I have no idea what happened during September, but I'd bet there was a lot of quantum homework.
And now we're almost through October, which is a fact that I can't entirely comprehend, but that's the way it goes. So Fall Break was in early October. I drove down to Columbus to visit two good friends. It was a lovely, relaxing long weekend. It was also absurdly hot for October.
The third week of October I spent out in Berkeley meeting with my collaborators. (I have collaborators! It makes me sound like a real scientist.) I was there trying to come up with a plan for my project. I will say little about the project for fear of jinxing it, but it will be cool. I'm excited.
While I was in sort-of sunny California, the trees in upstate NY exploded. (In the chromatic sense, not the thermodynamic.) My first day back in town turned out to be the most beautiful day of Fall, and I couldn't in good conscience just sit indoors fruitlessly trying to get work done, so I jumped on my bike and soaked up the colors, being very glad that I live where I do. This feeling will abate with the onset of winter.

Since then I've been stuck in Q-exam scheduling purgatory. You wouldn't believe how hard it is to find two hours where four professors can be in the same room at the same time. I had hoped to have this trial by academic firing squad over with before Thanksgiving, but it doesn't look like that's possible. Oh well.
And now it's yet another Sunday evening, and we're under our first freeze warning of the year. In a few hours I have to face a Monday having gotten nothing done over the weekend. Never my favorite thing.


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