Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Moving: Day 1

Today I picked up the keys to my new apartment and moved three car loads of stuff in. Morals of the day...
1) I have too much stuff. I am a pathologic pack rat. I blame it on genetics.
2) Moving into an apartment on anything other than the ground floor is a pain in the rear, legs, back, arms...
But the new place is awesome. Even better than I remember. The windows are great. (I have a thing for windows.) The ceiling is all slanty at fun and exciting angles, which right now gives it great character, but after I hit my head on it for the umpteenth time, it'll probably get old. It has a gas stove, and I'm allowed to hang stuff on the wall.
In other news one of the oldest grad students (Dauerdoctorant) gave his B-exam today. By oldest I mean he's been here for nine years. Yes, nine. One of my professional goals: not to be the new Dauerdoctorant. But in all seriousness he will be sorely missed when he leaves Ithaca.


Blogger Katie 80 said...

yeah, so apparently I didn't get the pathological packrat gene, because I try to organize things but in the end i just shove them in random boxes, I had a box specifically named, "random stuff" full of random stuff. I think it was your box once.. fun times moving..

August 11, 2007  

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