Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Time flies when you're having fun

So it's hard to believe that I'm already into week four of summer. But as they say, time flies when you're having fun. I think one side affect of living somewhere with a cold, gray, depressing winter is the summer feels just that much better.
So I've been keeping myself pretty busy. Work's been basically a continuation of what I was doing in Germany. I spent the better part of half a week fighting with Linux while trying to get everything set up. Now I'm happily programming my little FPGA with some success.
The highlight of the non-working activities was a camping trip to the Adirondack's last weekend with three of my fellow astro grads. Saturday night we camped at Forked Lake on our own island. That's right. We had our very own island, which we traveled to by canoe. I was very excited. Here's a photo of the lake:

On Sunday morning we climbed straight up (as in now switchbacks) to the top of Blue Mountain. It was only a 2 mile hike, and the view from the top was amazing:

The excitement continues. Tomorrow I head to Washington DC for a long weekend to visit Andy. The last weekend in June I'm going to a workshop in Berkeley, which I'm really excited about.
That's all for now.


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