Friday, March 30, 2007

Random thoughts on a Friday evening

Happy Friday everyone! Are you all as tired as I am? It was a rather long week. Not having done any work over spring break meant that there was an over load of work to do this week, sadly with no end in sight. So here are some random things from my overworked and tired brain.
If you like sci-fi and haven't seen Battlestar Galactica, you should. It's really quite good. It's a very plot-centered show, meaning if you really want to start watching, you have to start from the beginning. But the show also has some great characters and now and again even has a point.
If you like cute things, you need to check out Knut, a baby ice bear that was born in the Berlin zoo a couple months ago. Here's a link to a website for a German news channel that covers a lot about the bear. It's in German, but you non-German speakers can still look at the pictures.

On CNN today there's an article about catholics expressing outrage over a display of Jesus made out of chocolate. The article said the statue was life-sized and "anatomically correct", which is one of those lovely double-speak words for "his penis is showing". So this baffles me. Are they mad because it's made out of chocolate? I mean modern art does do some pretty weird things, so I can't say I'm particularly surprised or really even impressed. Or are they made because his dick is showing? And if so...why? Jesus was a man right? And men have dicks. So using basic logic, it goes without saying that Jesus had one too. Why they're outraged that an artist might show it, I just don't get. I know that there are several catholics who read my blog. Could one of you explain this to me?
Ok. I went on a little too long on that.
Speaking of articles and perhaps even tangentially the quality of articles. Here's an article that one of my fellow 1st years pointed out to me. It's about science in the news and really how it's not in the news at all.

So I guess that's all that I have for now.
Have a good weekend all!


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