Thursday, February 15, 2007

White Valentine's Day

Hi all!
So from Tuesday night to Wednesday night Ithaca received 19-20 inches of snow. Here are some photos:

Here's the view looking out from my apartment. This is at around 3 pm, and it continued to snow for another 6 hours after this photo was taken. My poor car is on the far right.

Here's a view out my bedroom window look towards the hotel.

This is what my car looked like Thursday evening when I went to dig it out. What you can't see is the foot and a half of snow between the drivers-side of my car and the car next to me. It was a sore reminder of what I hate most about winter.

Zu meinen deutchen Freunde...Schöne Weiberfastnacht!


Blogger BlueWind said...

what is "one foot and a half" in meter ?

February 23, 2007  
Blogger laura s said...

It's about half a meter.

February 23, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hallo Laura,

ich habe in den letzn Tage zwei Deiner FFT-Karten aufgebaut. Das heißt, wenn sie denn laufen, solltest Du Dein Spektrometer in den nächsten Tagen zugeschickt bekommen.


March 07, 2007  
Blogger laura s said...


Vielen Dank!

March 08, 2007  

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