Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Almost spring

Happy Wednesday!
I always find it hard to decided how to start an entry. Any other blog-writers out there have that problem?
Anyho! So it's been about a month now since our big snow storm, and winter's been stubborn in leaving. But today is one of those days that makes you realize spring will eventually arrive. Warm and rainy.
Things have been busy around here. Lots of homework. I just now took a midterm. It was long and didn't go particularly well, but that was the sentiment of the whole class.
I've also been trying to figure out what I'm going to be doing this summer for research. My goal is radio astronomy instrumentation and there are several people here who are really enthusiastic about me doing that, but no one has active projects so it's a little unclear what kind of project will eventually materialize. Right now I'm still confident that something will work out and haven't started panicing yet.
More importantly next week is Spring Break! Instead of joining the mass exodus of students to the south (Arizona, Florida, etc.), I'm taking a trip to sunny NYC. Marcy and I will be there for a couple days doing to touristy thing. Statue of Liberty, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Times Square, etc. I'm really excited.
I guess that's all the news from my corner of the world.
Bis später!


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