Sunday, April 22, 2007

A manic week

So it's been a rather crazy week here in Ithaca.
Let's begin on Monday. As I walked to the bus stop in the morning I had to walk through about 2 inches (5 cm) of snow. I think to myself..."Funny. And I thought it was April". Actually what went through my head was "Ach du Scheisse!! I hate Ithaca." (By the way, German is a fantastic language to curse in. It's so very satisfying.)
As the day progressed the snow continued. As the temperature was just at freezing, the snow was rather wet and stuck to everything. That had the upside of making the trees pretty but the downside of making all the sidewalks slushy. By the end of the evening campus had about 9 inches or so (25 cm). Though there was enough of a temperature difference between campus (up on the hill) and downtown that at lake-level there was no snow. Just rain. And places higher up got even more than Cornell did. So weird living in a place with elevation.
Now fast forward to Friday. Sunny with temps approaching 70 (21 C). This weekend has been amazing. Clear blue skies, temps in the mid-70s (24 C). All that's left of the snow are the ever shrinking piles created by plowing of large parking lots.
So all in all it's been a great weekend. The sandals came out yesterday making it one of the best 10 days of the year. Last night I met up with some other astro ladies for a bit of shopping and fantastic BBQ. Tonight I should get my first grilled (Foreman, not fire) brat of the year. And by the end of the afternoon my first sunburn. Ah the little things in life.
As far as the rest of life goes, I've got nothing new. Still no summer plans. Two weeks of classes and A LOT of work to get done in the next four weeks.
Oh! And tomorrow's Moogie's birthday. Happy Birthday! Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag! Boldog Szuletesnapot Kivanok! (Hungarian) Janamdin mubarak ho! (Hindi)


Blogger Andy Cowan said...

Since Laura hasn't updated her post, I feel obliged to point out that the brats were indeed fire-grilled.

April 23, 2007  
Blogger laura s said...

Oh right. Thanks for the correction.

April 23, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Leben Sie lange und gedeihen. A voice from your past in Iowa City wishes you well.

April 25, 2007  

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