Sunday, June 24, 2007

Thoughts on airports

Airports are curious places existing simultaneously in static and dynamic states. The same numbered counters greet passengers day to day. The same generic chairs stay forever fixed as travelers sit, pass by and leave. Time has a curiously static quality as well. Some how unconnected with the real world, time only has meaning as numbers slowly increasing to the particular set that allows you to finally come out of stasis and join the flow of people whose trajectories happen to cross at this particular moment.
But within this static world is highly dynamic core. Human particles comprise an anthropomorphic fluid that flows to and from, left and right, and ultimately, up and down.
This superposition of complimentary states conspire to create excellent people watching. Here musing over my fellow traveling particles bounce around with the randomness of my mind.

The family that was playing cards in the food court.

(Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose...)

A guy picking his teeth with a $10 bill.

(Wish my laptop battery lasted longer.)

Little girl in a cute gypsy costume.

(Will Leah really stay with Dee? Who are the last five?)

Guy in blue cap with an iPod. :-)

(Workshop begins tomorrow. Am I over my head?)

Time to board.


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