Monday, January 07, 2008

Below the belt

I kept my mind open. I defended her against what I saw as irrational dislike (even though this polarizing attribute of her campaign is what kept me from considering her). I was told that I was just too young to understand.
But now I'm one of them:

The Caucus Blog

I don't like hypocrites and like even less pissy candidates taking pot shots at my state.

The silver lining is that all this frustration from the campaign stems from this:

CBS News called back New Hampshire voters first interviewed by The Times and CBS News in November to measure the impact of the results from Iowa.

Senator Barack Obama now leads Senator Hillary Clinton, with 35 percent. Mrs. Clinton is now supported by 28 percent and John Edwards has 19 percent. In November, among these same voters, Mr. Obama trailed Mrs. Clinton by 20 percentage points.

Here is the entire article from the New York Times.

While we're at it...let's compare shall we? (Numbers from US Census Bureau and Wikipedia and rounded to two significant figures in most cases.)

Population: 2.9 million
Demographics (2006): 95% white
2008 Democratic caucus goers: 220,000

New Hampshire
Population: 1.2 - 1.3 million
Demographics (2006): 96% white
Number of people who voted in the 2004 Democratic primary: ~220,000
(That said there may be a surge in voters like we saw in Iowa.)

Any attempts to paint Iowa as small and unrepresentative applies to New Hampshire as well. How does she think this will help her? What's she going to say when she loses South Carolina?


Blogger Andy Cowan said...

"Next time there’s a blizzard, I guess you’ll just have to hope your way to the supermarket."


January 15, 2008  

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