Thursday, December 20, 2007

Time for a breather

So I see it's been almost a month since my last post. And what a month it was.
This semester ended in quite the marathon with a big final project for one class and a take home exam for the other. The first law of class work says that projects will always fill the time alloted to them, and this one was no different. I've been done with the all out sprint for about two weeks now and then jogged for another week. Now I get a bit of a breather.
I've even made it back to Iowa. I spent the better part of two days driving across flat, snowy land. Last night when passed a semi with the words "Pork Plasma Only. Inedible. Not for human consumption" written on the side, I knew I was back in Iowa. It is good to be back. Much to everyone's relief, the dog still remembers me (which is important when that dog's a Doberman). The cat showed that he still remembers me by spending the whole night purring 6 inches from my face, and finally when he was ignored long enough, started biting me on the nose. Isn't that cute?
My butt is starting to go numb from sitting on the floor up against the dresser in my room, so I'm going to end this now.


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