Six degrees of seperation: Coctail dress to Sark
Now that I'm finally finished telling the Spring Break Adventure, I can go back to my regularly scheduled life stories.
No big news on my end. The semester ends in a about a month, so of course, I should be working on homework or projects instead of writing uninteresting things into my blog. Whatever. It's Sunday evening.
On the upside the weather's been warm. I'm not completely convinced spring has sprung, but it looks good so far. ::Knock on wood:: Grad ball was a couple weeks ago. Entirely unlike me, I wore a black cocktail dress. Season 4 of Battlestar has started. I'm not sure how I feel about some of the plot developments. Baltar a Jesus-figure? Really?
Taxes..grr. Aaron's coming to visit this week...ya!.
A good friend of mine has been doing the world a service by posting all Obama's failings. I thought I'd be my part and let the NYTimes editorialist Frank Rich explain why, even if Clinton wins the nomination, I'm still going to grind my teach and vote for her over McCain.
Tet Happened, and No One Cared
I also went to Wikipedia to look up something, which I have long forgotten because I was distracted by Sark. Sark is a Channel Island (as in the English Channel), has an area of about 2.5 miles, and a population of 600. There are no cars on the island (my kind of place), and it is one of the last places in Europe to abolish feudalism. Let's set aside of one moment the fact that it's "one of the last", implying here are others that haven't, and ponder that there exists places in Europe that are still governed by the feudal system. This whole life thing never ceases to astonish me.
And on that note, I'm calling it a night.
No big news on my end. The semester ends in a about a month, so of course, I should be working on homework or projects instead of writing uninteresting things into my blog. Whatever. It's Sunday evening.
On the upside the weather's been warm. I'm not completely convinced spring has sprung, but it looks good so far. ::Knock on wood:: Grad ball was a couple weeks ago. Entirely unlike me, I wore a black cocktail dress. Season 4 of Battlestar has started. I'm not sure how I feel about some of the plot developments. Baltar a Jesus-figure? Really?
Taxes..grr. Aaron's coming to visit this week...ya!.
A good friend of mine has been doing the world a service by posting all Obama's failings. I thought I'd be my part and let the NYTimes editorialist Frank Rich explain why, even if Clinton wins the nomination, I'm still going to grind my teach and vote for her over McCain.
Tet Happened, and No One Cared
I also went to Wikipedia to look up something, which I have long forgotten because I was distracted by Sark. Sark is a Channel Island (as in the English Channel), has an area of about 2.5 miles, and a population of 600. There are no cars on the island (my kind of place), and it is one of the last places in Europe to abolish feudalism. Let's set aside of one moment the fact that it's "one of the last", implying here are others that haven't, and ponder that there exists places in Europe that are still governed by the feudal system. This whole life thing never ceases to astonish me.
And on that note, I'm calling it a night.