Thursday, October 16, 2008

Planetary concert

Last Saturday the Cornell Symphony Orchestra and Ithaca College Symphony Orchestra joined forces to perform a new piece named "Anillos" and Holst's "The Planets".
The occasion was the American Astronomical Society Division of Planetary Scientists concert. Since May I've been working with an astronomy professor and several grad students and post docs in my department to put together videos of images and animations to play along with the music. I posted a link to the two videos I made in an earlier post but here it is again. (I recommend the smallest versions for web viewing.)
First let me say a little about "Anillos". It's a piece written by Roberto Sierra, a Cornell music professor, and was inspired by images from the Cassini spacecraft. We premiered it what I call the "DPS concert".

The concert and new work received a lot of press around town, as well as the other public events associated with the conference. Here's an article from the Cornell Chronicle.

The concert was a huge success. The orchestras played well. Dynamically playing the videos in real time went off without any problems. And not only did we sell out the hall, which seats about 1300, there was a line of hundreds of people trying to get into the concert. Needless to say, I was thrilled. We even made it in a blog for the scientific journal Nature.

It's so exciting to see something that I worked so hard on come off as such a success.