Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Next Chapter

As the caption to my blog says, my life is a journey that's guided by the stars; quite literally. Tomorrow begins a new period of adventure as I move out to Berkeley for two months. I feel sort of like one of those Russian dolls with my packing and preparing within packing within preparing. Namely I packed for my end-of-July trip to Iowa while packing for my California trip while packing to move to my new Ithaca apartment.
But there's nothing like moving to make one feel introspective. All in all this move will lead to only good things. Out in California I'll finally make some real progress on my thesis project. This is something that I really need. With the end of my second year of classes came a sense of unaccomplishment. In the last two years I've learned a lot about astrophysics, but I've done relatively little research. But things are really starting to pick up with this trip and things are happening here as well.
Also I'm looking forward to spending some time in California, and I love getting to know new places. When I return I get to settle into a new apartment on the edge of town in my favorite biking territory. As much as it pains me to have to leave Ithaca during the summer, I'm quite ready to get on with it.
I'll update once I've arrived and settled in a bit.


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